
目前显示的是 2024的博文

A part-time staff who directs and acts as a thief

29th June 2024, 1000A.M.    I heard our rotation, J said that E's part-timer told her that she had lost 2 wallets that were placed in front of the store C. And, our part-time worker, M said that we also lost 1 piece of white backpack with serial number BG 3XX. At the time, I saw the staff of BTS's security department patrolling our exhibition area. I told them that when we prepared for the fair in advance, we found that there were lost items. They told me to do the loss report safely. I told J to follow them to report the loss. After that, the security guard asked me if I needed to report the incident to the police. I wasn't sure about the process of reporting a loss, and then I called W for help. J also wanted to call W because the security guard asked her first, and I told her to use my phone to continue talking to W. Then I heard that the security staff had found the suspect and asked us to go to the police station to report the crime. I told J to call the police. I wou

一封来自 L先生 的信 ❤

To : 我最亲爱最爱的小女友      你说我缺你一个告白,那现在正式的写一篇文章给你,要好好的看哦。       PHAETHON,虽然10年前我们就认识了。 当时呢是对你有些好感也比较害羞,也没那么的勇敢接近你。 现在想想,感觉我好像浪费了这10年的时间。 如果能回到过去我会大胆的向你告白,不过10年后我们还是在一起了。       这10年期间我们可能没什么联络,是不是我出现的隐隐约约? 哈哈。。好像消失了一段时间,这段期间我比较迷茫。 其实我这个人比较内在话也不多,也时常很自卑缺少安全感。 这是缺点吧?  好像改不了毕竟每一个人都不一样的性格。       谢谢妳在去年的时候主动约了我,当再次见到你时,我突然有了怦然心动的感觉。 幸好你还是单身,要不然我就有遗憾了。 妳真的真的吸引到我,我无时无刻的都在想着妳。 想跟妳在一起、每一天都想见到妳。 所以你没看我都多么多么的主动约妳,尝试接近你让你知道我对你的感觉。        那我现在问你你愿意当我的女朋友吗? 让我守护你呵护你宠着你一辈子、包容你的一切,愿意陪我度过生活中的各种酸甜苦辣。 虽然我不是很有钱,也赚的不多。 但我会尽我的能力给你最好的,也请你相信我。 请你多多包容我,我已经尝试在改了。 你知道我的很容易吃醋、生闷气、大男人就是因为你对我很重要我才会这样。     往后余生请多多指教,有你真好。爱你❤ From : 你的粘粘虫 L先生 08.03.2024