
目前显示的是 2022的博文

2022年12月10日——— 心情手册

                                                                                                                              // 小型狐狸雨 + 晴天 ⛅ 因为我、还在所以烦恼依旧。 现在是半夜12点左右、不由自主地突然莫名有些伤感,就在刚洗澡时候脑袋一直飞快地转动。 每次心想的和想要编写出来的文字都会变得很旁白。 突然的、就很突然的、应该说不是突然吧。。。 心里一直都很在意,看着第一任男友和他新婚妻子的日常生活和韩国冬季度蜜月的小视频? 又或者是现在全世界都比较开放了可以买机票飞外国了?看着每个人的韩国首尔游、韩国济州岛、日本北海道、还有日本手掌村游,而自己感觉还是一事无成的、一直忙碌于工作。 我想说,我需要休息。 也想着有伴侣可以有个突破口,而不是每次想和人分享些事物还需要去顾及她会把我对她说过的话传去别人的耳中、显得自己很低EQ & 低IQ?我并不是不会安排我自己的时间,问题是有些时候你们真的不明白我的难处。我不像你们已婚有伴 有钱 喜欢就安排出国旅游的,喜欢喜欢就突然说 11月要去泰国曼谷、等下2月又再去一次泰国曼谷、然后4月又说家族泰国曼谷旅游、等下7月又去韩国首尔玩。你们有没有想过你们这样安排了自己的行程?然后?我就必须要代替你们去工作? 我没有自由吗?一直想着法子安排旅游的2人、 等下还有1人爸爸要开刀做手术了、我的工作一直安排一直在更改安排。想要安排休息也不能、还要替代你们去工作,我想?我不会安排我的时间? 你们只会安排我去工作,每当我想要请假休息时候。还需要看脸色、不能请假,请假 1星期都要了他命?一天天说着风凉话、我去安排了 然后还需要配合他们时间一直去改?然后最后还不是我自己去完成?不要只会说我不去安排?我安排了 但人家有依据我的安排去完成吗 请问? 工资你照常拿?工作一直我去做?然后我已经安排人你去了?最后还不是安排不到,变成我自己要去?  * * 《心情手册》 不定时更新中。。。

Lyrics# Gym Class Heroes: Stereo Hearts ft. Adam Levine

My hearts a stereo It beats for you, so listen close Hear my thoughts in every note, oh oh Make me your radio Turn me up when you feel low This melody was meant for you Just sing along to my stereo Gym Class Hero, baby! If I was just another dusty record on the shelf Would you blow me off and play me like everybody else? If I asked you to scratch my back, could you manage that? Like it read well, check it Travie, I can handle that Furthermore, I apologize for any skipping tracks It's just the last girl that played me left a couple cracks I used to, used to, used to, used to, now I'm over that 'Cause holding grudges over love is ancient artifacts If I could only find a note to make you understand I'd sing it softly in your ear and grab you by the hand Just keep it stuck inside your head, like your favorite tune And know my hearts a stereo that only plays for you My hearts a stereo It beats for you, so listen close Hear my thoughts in every note, oh oh Make me your radio

Lyrics# The Weeknd- Blinding Lights

  Yeah I've been tryna call I've been on my own for long enough Maybe you can show me how to love, maybe I'm going through withdrawals You don't even have to do too much You can turn me on with just a touch, baby I look around and Sin City's cold and empty (oh) No one's around to judge me (oh) I can't see clearly when you're gone I said, ooh, I'm blinded by the lights No, I can't sleep until I feel your touch I said, ooh, I'm drowning in the night Oh, when I'm like this, you're the one I trust (Hey, hey, hey) I'm running out of time 'Cause I can see the sun light up the sky So I hit the road in overdrive, baby, oh The city's cold and empty (oh) No one's around to judge me (oh) I can't see clearly when you're gone I said, ooh, I'm blinded by the lights No, I can't sleep until I feel your touch I said, ooh, I'm drowning in the night Oh, when I'm like this, you're the one I trust I'm just w

Lyrics# Rauf & Faik- колыбельная (Lullaby)

  Возьми меня, люби меня, укрой 带上我,珍爱我,包裹我 Той пеленой, что мы с тобой создали вдвоём 在你我兩人的溫暖空間 Возьми меня, люби меня, укрой 带上我,珍爱我,包裹我 Той пеленой, что мы с тобой создали вдвоём 在你我兩人的溫暖空間 Возьми меня, люби меня, укрой 带上我,珍爱我,包裹我 Той пеленой, что мы с тобой создали вдвоём 在你我兩人的溫暖空間 Возьми меня, люби меня, укрой 带上我,珍爱我,包裹我 Той пеленой, что мы с тобой создали вдвоём 在你我兩人的溫暖空間 Я помню той ночью закрыл твои очи, бабушкина дверь 記得那天在奶奶家 我遮住你的眼睛 И лестничный проём, спускаемся мы вдвоём 一起走下樓梯 Парки скандалы, любовь, мемуары, песни о любви 還有那些公園 緋聞 愛情 回憶 和甜美的歌 С тобою навсегда, прошу тебя, помни меня 請記住我 和我永遠一起 Я провожал тебя домой под звуки птиц 在伴著鳥鳴的風中 陪你回家 Ты засыпала на моих коленях, 你在我腿上睡著 А я стучался в бабушкины двери 我敲開奶奶家的門 Я прохожу весь коридор, а ты всё спишь 抱著睡著的你穿過走廊 Не вставай, малыш, ты мне говоришь 不要醒來 親愛的 你和我說 Возьми меня, люби меня, укрой 带上我,珍爱我,包裹我 Той пеленой, что мы с тобой создали вдвоём 在你我兩人的溫暖空間 Возьми меня, люби меня, укрой 带上我,珍爱我,包裹我 Той пеленой

Lyrics# The Weeknd- Save Your Tears

  Yeah I saw you dancing in a crowded room You look so happy when I'm not with you But then you saw me, caught you by surprise A single teardrop falling from your eye I don't know why I run away I'll make you cry when I run away You could have asked me why I broke your heart You could've told me that you fell apart But you walked past me like I wasn't there And just pretended like you didn't care I don't know why I run away I'll make you cry when I run away Take me back 'cause I wanna stay Save your tears for another Save your tears for another day Save your tears for another day So I made you think that I would always stay I said some things that I should never say Yeah, I broke your heart like someone did to mine And now you won't love me for a second time I don't know why I run away Oh girl, I make you cry when I run away Girl, take me back 'cause I wanna stay Save your tears for another I realize that I'm much too late And you des

A collection of garbage people in my life

  H E L L O  E V E R Y B O D Y  ~ ~ WELCOME TO HAVING A READ OF THE GARBAGE PEOPLE IN MY LIFE. #  我自认我应当好一位上司的本分,却得到如此的回报 #  The Shame of the Master student with her poor attitude NEW **  #  想向E先生问个“有意思”的问题 NEW **  # 当你有个“被会说表面话的同事忽悠”的上司 🫠 NEW **   #  A part-time staff who directs and acts as a thief * * * * Will try to keep publish the garbage people in my life. Thank you in advance.

The Shame of Master student with her poor attitude

A story on today March 21, 2022. Attached with a screenshot from my WhatsApp that I communicate with someone who would like to apply for part-time work with me. I have no idea for this kind of shit people even she was educated, but she was a shame for master's student, She educated me that I was the late reply, but she doesn't know the terms of Office Hour Working Timing. Anyway, thank you for the lecture. Hopefully, she won't be criticized  cause she treats others with that attitude, it is not that nice. * * * * O N C E   A G A I N Thank you for the lecture.  But I hope you know the terms office hour work timing since you studying for your Master.  Before you educate others please do understand the terms of working hours.  I do hope you don't treat other companies with that attitude, it is not that nice. Thank you and have a wonderful day ❤️   #  Collection of garbage people in my life

歌词# 悟空:佛说《一念成佛 一念成魔 你若不渡我成佛 那我渡你入魔》

  在开始浏览这篇博文之前、可以点击以上的 “油管” 视频 开启一场《佛说》。 * * 一念成佛 一念成魔 你若不渡我成佛 那我渡你入魔 佛祖拈花一笑 萬千佛法微妙 因果不虛善惡有報 眾生拜念佛號 南無阿彌陀佛 浮生若夢磋跎 彼岸花開花彼岸 奈何橋怎渡奈何 一念地域天堂 一念人心惶惶 斷腸人愁愁斷腸 兩行怨淚淚兩行 一念花開花落 一念是非對錯 花開正茂誰來過 花落又是誰的錯 佛阿 你睜眼 看那些醜陋嘴臉 惡人在等你恩典 善人卻求你赦免 佛啊 我信你 可你到底在哪裡 我徒步走了十萬里 你卻說佛在心底 佛說回頭是岸 回頭卻無家可盼 世間有浪子千萬 誰想與親人分散 佛說命由己造 卻逃不過這天道 生我何用沒能歡笑 滅我不減狂傲 佛說眾生平等 我等了五百年整 五百年的風霜雪月 五百年的寒冷 佛說放下屠刀 成佛便不再是妖 那花果山上烈火焚燒 難道一筆勾銷 佛你嫉惡如仇 這塵埃遮你眼眸 惡人出頭善人苦求 求不來你回頭 佛你積德行善 為何不免那一戰 多少蒼生家毀人散 你到底善給誰看 佛你不聞不顧 你卻說蒼生難渡 地獄哪來天堂路 你可知官官相護 佛你喜怒無常 對世間太過迷忙 天若塌你若不抗 我願做永世妖王 佛說孰能無過 難道你從來沒錯 善惡都由你來做 哪還有十惡不赦 佛說萬物皆空 可度過春夏秋冬 既然平等與眾生 你為何不在五行中 佛你徒有虛名 這天下怎能太平 救苦救難的菩薩 你怎麼還不顯靈 佛也並非聖賢 未曾貪欲香火錢 佛前一跪三千年 可未見我佛心生憐 佛說勿念紅塵 遁入空門 佛說無愛則歡 可無愛又怎能心安 寧下地府鬼門關 也不願入你靈山 * * * * TO KNOW MORE 《西游记》孙悟空大闹天宫概括,为什么孙悟空会大闹天宫? 凡所有相 ,皆为虚妄,一切有为法,如夢幻泡影。 迷時師度,悟了自度,自牲自度,方是根本,心既是佛,佛既是心。 阿 弥 陀 佛     大善和大恶的最终表现是一样的,小善和小恶对于不同个体来看好坏更是相对的。 佛魔本同道同德。